With so many used parts and aftermarket parts available, it is possible to economically upgrade your turntable with very pleasing results. If you come up with a budget, we can advise you on the best ways to go to get the ‘best bang for your buck’.
You don’t make progress by standing still and so it is with the LP12. During it’s 50 year history, almost every component has been improved (not just changed) over the years. And so, whilst there isn’t much market for retrograding turntables, at whatever point your turntable was originally built there are generally upgrades that can be done – most of them at sensible prices – which will improve the performance of your current deck.
In addition to the standard equipment from Linn, there is a very active ‘aftermarket’ scene – which Linn seems to tacitly accept in the main – which can provide excellent alternatives to the standard Linn parts.
Whilst the most obvious improvements could be seen as improving the cartridge, arm or both, interestingly, the best gains can be attributed to changes to the structure of the turntable, such as to : the bearing, top plate, subchassis’ – and particularly the power supply circuits.
With such a large range of parts available, most of which I have direct experience of (and hold stocks of), it does pay to take advice prior to purchasing parts as often, gains will be marginal and so, it helps to have realistic expectations!